Dr. Daniel Torres Senior Lawyer

Doctor in Law and Social Studies, University of the Republic, Uruguay. (2018). Internship in the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Nation, Criminal Prosecutor’s Office of Montevideo of Flagrancy cases (2018). Courses and Seminars: “X International Conference on Consumer Relations”; “X International Congress of Private Law”; “Updating seminar in Labor Law”; “Reform of the Criminal Procedure Code”; Interdisciplinary conferences :“Private International Law and the Uruguayan International Commercial Arbitration Law No. 19.636”; “New Code of Criminal Procedure: Its impact on the prison”; “X Days of Forensic Technique”, tribute to the Dean Prof. Dr. Gonzalo Uriarte and “VI Student Clinic of Legal Office”, tribute to Dr. Ada Cabrera; “Improvement in Civil and Commercial Procedural Law”. Languages: Spanish and English.

Area of Practice

Corporate Services